Abdulaziz Abduvaliev https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8712-1902

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The ongoing large-scale reforms implemented in all areas of the socio-economic, environmental and political spheres of Uzbekistan are directly related to the tasks defined by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of the key directions in the development of Uzbekistan involves the formation of an innovative economy. The aim of the study discussed in the article is the assessment of the effectiveness of ongoing reforms and the results achieved in the development of an innovative economy in the country. The conducted research is of an empirical character and based on the analysis of official statistics and data provided by a variety of international organisations for the years 2013–2022.
The study analyses the number of enterprises and organisations producing innovative goods and works and providing services of their own in the manufacturing industry, and the number of research specialists (also by specialisation) in Research & Development (R&D). The research shows that some positive results were achieved in this area, although a broader analysis of the innovation sphere reveals a need for more in-depth reforms. Special attention should be devoted to high technology, as the level of its development in the studied period remained the lowest.


economy, innovation, research and development, R&D, industry, Sustainable Development Goals


F60, F63, O38


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